
H.E. Dr. Eng. Habtamu Itefa Geleta is Minister of the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He was appointed to the post on 5th October 2021 by H.E Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
He got his first degree in 1999 and his second degree in 2006 in Irrigation Engineering both from Arba Minch University, Ethiopia. And he got his PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from Stuttgart University, Germany in 2011.
He began his career as a practicing engineer at the Benishangul-Gumuz regional Water Bureau and then joined in the academic sphere where he lectured at Arba Minch University and later on at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, respectively.
He also served at different leadership positions from school dean to University Vice President. He then went on to serve as Deputy Head of Urban and Housing Bureau of the Oromia Regional State from 2016 to 2017; Director-General of the Oromial Regional State Road Authority from 2017 to 2019 and Head of the Oromia Regional State Water and Energy Resource Development Bureau from 2019 up until his present Ministerial appointment to lead the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ethiopia is divided into twelve basins based on hydrological boundaries and endowed with great rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Despite availability of rivers and other water bodies as a source of water in the country, the country never fully utilized the resource. A nation’s effort on the development, management and proper utilization of water and other natural resources enables it to be well – developed, prosperous and livable country for its citizens. Thus, we need to work on enabling our country develop, manage and utilize effectively and efficiently water and other natural resources through addressing the gaps and challenges that bottle necked the sector.
The Ministry of Water and Energy which has been established with the mission to improve the overall welfare of our society through developing and managing the water and energy resources equitably, sustainably, and in an integrated manner. Water supply and sanitation, integrated water resource management and renewable energy development are major duties in which the Ministry is in charge of discharging.
Water resource is vital for water supply, energy generation, irrigation development, industry, tourism and beyond. Proper management, development and utilization of the water resources have regional prominence. It can play a pivotal role in facilitating regional development and economic integration with neighboring countries.
Hence, The Ministry is emphasizing on promoting capacity building, technological advancement and innovation that can uplift our capacity to develop, manage and utilize water resources. Besides, ensuring the participation of private companies in the sector has been given due emphasis.
Finally, we would like to express our commitment to work with stakeholders through setting up platforms viable for integration and we call up on all others to work with us to transform our country.
Thank You!