Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a 6,450 MW hydropower project nearing completion on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, located about 30 km upstream of the border with Sudan.

It will be the largest hydropower project in Africa. Owned and operated by the Ethiopian Electric Power company, the 145-m-tall roller-compacted concrete gravity dam will flood 1,874 km2 at a normal pool elevation of 640 m, and will have a tributary catchment of 172,250 km2.
Biogas And Solar Trilateral Project
Biogas and Solar Trilateral Cooperation Transitioning to Sustainable Energy uses in the Agro-Industry China –Ethiopia- SriLanka. (TrC Project)/South-South project
- Developing capacity of stakeholders in the energy sector.
- To assess the potential of RET in meeting energy needs in productive sectors such as public service delivery and the agro-industry.
- Sharing Chinese knowledge and experience in biogas and solar energy for productive uses.
- Determining suitable business models through South- south cooperation.
Access To Distributed Electricity And Lighting In Ethiopia (Adele) Project
The project will increase access to new and improved electricity services for households,smallholder farmers, commercial and industrial users, and social institutions in urban, peri-urban, rural,and deep-rural areas through on-grid, off-grid, and mini-grid solutions by leveraging public and private delivery modalities. The project has five components: (a) Network strengthening for improved reliability of supply in urban areas; (b) Solar-hybrid mini grids for rural economic development; (c) Solar homesystems for households (HHs), small-holder farmers and small businesses; (d) Standalone solar systemsfor health and education facilities; and (e) Capacity building, technical assistance and implementation support. These five components provide a synergetic package of investments to ensure that reliable electricity services are made available to all Ethiopians regardless of their location and economic status.Component 1 will ensure that grid-connected urban households are receiving electricity services with adequate reliability and quality, while Components 2 and 3 will ensure that remote and poor households as well as farmers and small businesses in rural areas are able to access electricity services, provided through off-grid solutions (mini-grids or stand-alone off-grid systems). Component 4 will expand the benefits of electrification in communities by supporting improved delivery of education and health care services.
Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (Rets) For Household And Productive Uses
The project aims to reduce Ethiopia’s energy-related CO2 emissions by approximately 2 million tons of CO2e by promoting renewable energy and low greenhouse gas (GHG)-producing technologies as a substitute for fossil fuels and non-sustainable biomass utilization in the country, with a focus on rural household appliances for cooking lighting and heating.
The project consists of four components:-
Component 1: strengthened regulatory and legal framework based on national standards
Component 2: rural public awareness campaign on renewable energy technologies
Component 3: sustainable financial mechanism (SFM) for RETs for rural households
Component 4: Business incubator to promote Greater Entrepreneurship for Investment in RETs